Assessment plays a vital role at Frithwood. Assessment for learning and key summative assessment enables us to fully meet the needs of our pupils and plan effective and creative teaching and learning.
- Meet the needs of all pupils and recognise achievement.
- Monitor the progress of pupils and support learning.
- Analyse the performance of different groups within the school and each class.
- Help close the gap between individuals and groups.
- Inform the planning process (in the short, medium and long term).
- Inform SEN and other provision in school.
- Keep children and parents informed about curriculum progress.
- Provide information to ensure continuity when pupils change year group/Key Stage.
- Identify curriculum strengths and development areas.
In every lesson, the teachers provide the children with written and/or verbal feedback and encouragement to ensure that all learning opportunities are maximised. Written feedback will explain how pupils can improve their work or extend their learning, such as ‘now try this…’ or an extension question. Oral feedback is used whenever possible, especially for the youngest pupils, and is provided whilst the learner is engaged in the learning process rather than later. Pupils are given time to respond to teacher feedback and marking and they are encouraged to make self-assessments and peer-assessments.
Pupils are set regular targets for learning in Maths and Writing and these are updated as and when the targets are fully achieved. These targets and the children’s progress towards the next target are displayed in the classrooms. Children in the Early Years will have targets related to Personal, Social and Emotional Development as well as the basic acquisition of skills in English and Maths. Pupils with an EHC Plan or identified for SEND support will have personalised targets set out of their Personal Learning Plan (PLP).
A range of key assessments are carried out at set times during the academic year.
These assessments include:
- Termly assessment trackers for National Curriculum key objectives for Reading, Writing, Maths and Science.
- Class actions in light of end of year data analysis.
- End of Key Stage SATs in Year 2 and Year 6.
- Reading and spelling benchmark tests twice a year.
- EYFS profile assessments.
- Mock SATs/QCA tests.
- Half termly Read, Write, Inc. assessments.
- Target setting for pupils (including PLPs).
- Detailed pupil progress reviews.
- Pupil progress meetings.
- Reporting to parents - spring term interim report, summer term full report
- A range of subject based assessments across the curriculum.
Carew Road, Northwood, Middlesex HA6 3NJ
Tel: 01923825548